Living the gospel is hard. You may ask yourself, how can I do this I have made to many mistakes I am to far along to come back. This is the trap of our natural man which is an enemy to god. You can come back! Never is it too late, no matter how many mistakes you have made you can repent and come back unto Jesus Christ.
Its like a Tennis match, battling it out on the court, doing your best yet you find yourself losing 1-5. So what is the mentality of a player at this point? The natural man would tell them to give up, that it is to late you have already lost.
But this is not the mentality of a true player, I know what its like, its easy to give up, and hard to keep going but it is not over till the last point is played.
No matter how many mistakes you make, both in life or the world of tennis there is always a hope, and as long as we correct our mistakes, and do our best we can win. If things aren't working out for you then you must change the game plan, use your strengths, and work on your weaknesses. We can work on our weaknesses by reading the scriptures, praying to our loving Heavenly Father, and live the principles of the gospel that Christ so perfectly laid out for us. Isn't this, the fight that we all go through? (read this talk on mercy by president uchtdorf ).
In tennis its you vs. the enemy, but are you really alone? Never! Just has you have friends, a coach, family, and fans in a tennis match helping you. You also have friends, family, church leaders, and most importantly, Jesus Christ who went through what you are going through, and he is the biggest help!
Many times I have found myself down 1-5, but through determination, and never giving up I was able to win 7-5
Let us have the determination, love, and trust in the savior to correct our mistakes and return to our Father in heaven with everlasting life which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
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